【此商品为专业工程产品,请向客服经理索取产品说明书及报价.直销关西涂料全线产品:18922467067, 020-87705617施经理,诚招有实力代理加盟商,为保证质量,我们提供工厂自提服务】 ACRIC BTD 丙烯酸面漆 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 产品简介 A durable finish based on modified acrylic resin. 改性丙烯酸树脂组成的高性能面漆。 RECOMMENDED USE 用途 As a finish for steel structure. 作为钢结构表面的面漆使用。 FEATURES 产品特性 Excellent gloss and weathering properties 极好的光泽和耐候性 High resistance to sea water and oil 良好的耐海水性和耐油性 Excellent abrasion resistance 极好的耐磨性 Compatibility with all various coating systems 适用于各种涂装配套 Quick drying 干燥迅速 Chlorine-free 不含氯 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 基本数据 Color 颜色 Gloss Level 光泽度 Volume Solids 体积固体份 Flash Point 闪点 Film thickness 涂装膜厚 Theoretical Coverage 理论涂布率 Colors 各色 Gloss 有光 41% Greater than 25℃ 25℃以上 Dry : 30-50 microns/coat Wet :71-124microns/coat 干膜:30-50 微米/道湿膜:71-124 微米/道 0.116kg/m2/40microns 0.116 千克/平方米/40 微米 Practical coverage depending on surface conditions, environment, applications, etc. 实际涂布率与表面处理, 外界环境, 施工方法等多种因素有关。 APPLICATION 施工 Application Temperature 施工温度 Mixing 混合 Mixing Ratio 混合比例 5℃-40℃ Mix thoroughly with power agitator 使用动力工具搅拌均匀 One component coating 单组份涂料 Protective Coatings www.kansai.com.cn Issued Date 2011/6/27 发行日期2011/6/27 Application Methods 施工方法 Thinner 稀释剂 Drying time & Overcoating interval 干燥时间&涂装间隔 Typical Undercoat 适用下涂 Typical topcoat 适用上涂 Airless spray, air spray, brush and roller 无气喷涂、空气喷涂、刷涂、滚涂 Airless spray 无气喷涂 Nozzle tip 喷嘴尺寸0.43mm-0.53mm Nozzle pressure 出口压力≥10Mpa Thinning ratio 稀释比率0-10% by weight(重量比) Brush/Roller 刷涂、滚涂 Thinning ratio 稀释比率0-10% by weight(重量比) Acric Thinner 丙烯酸稀释剂 Temperature 温度5℃ 20℃ 30℃ Surface dry 指触干燥60mins 30mins 20mins Touch dry 半硬干燥6hrs 3hrs 2hrs Min. interval 最小涂装间隔12hrs 6hrs 4hrs Max. interval 最大涂装间隔 Rabamarine AC, Epomarine EX 500 or according the coating systems of Cosco Kansai. Rabamarine AC, Epomarine EX 500 或参考我司推荐配套。 STORAGE 贮存 Shelf life 贮存期限 Store in dry, cool condition and away from sources of heat and ignition. Containers must be kept tightly closed. 贮存于干燥阴凉的环境中,远离热源及火源。包装桶必须保持封闭。 12months from date of production (25℃) 自生产之日起12 个月(25℃) DISCLAIMER 提请注意 The information given on this sheet is to the best of our knowledge and accurate at the time of issuing. Since conditions of use are beyond the manufacturer’s control, information contained herein is without warranty, implied or otherwise, and the suitability of the material for the use contemplated is the sole responsibility of the buyer. The information contained on this data sheet is subject to modification at any time due to our policy of modification and product development.Please check this date sheet is current prior to using the product. 本说明书所提供信息均为目前我方所掌握最全面正确的资料,鉴于产品使用条件非我方所 能控制,此中信息不含担保,即仅在选取产品上对买方负责。由于我公司产品及生产工艺 的不断发展,本说明书的内容也会随时进行更改,此中所有信息均以我方确认为主。产品 使用前,请确认所持说明书为最新版本。 |